Agents find themselves at different points on the development journey and at different stages in their own life. When change is upon us you may need some help sorting out relevant issues. Each coaching client is different and so the approach I take is tailor-made for you!
· Specialization
-- is specialization right for you? What do you have a passion about? Is your specialization viable in today's market?
· Business Models
– creating a simple model of how your business will work. Business models are not rocket science, but understanding how your business works will help you make good decisions about how to allocate your time and resources.
System Set-up
-- making sure that every step is done in the right order, checklists, worksheets, and all the tools you need to enure your business runs smoothly.
· Marketing and Self-Promotion
-- it's not as difficult (or as evil) as it sounds. We work together to come up with ways to promote your knowledge to the right clients so you can grow your business organically and on your own pace and timing.
· Ideal Client
-- we develop fun and interesting ways to identify, target and get to really know your ideal client.
· Travel Industry Basics
– sometimes you may be new to the industry and need to get a fundamental understanding of the ins-and-outs of the business. We can increase your knowledge and effectiveness by providing a foundational knowledge for your craft.
· Scenario Planning
– identifying new target markets and product opportunities
.Managing Growth
- you've grown your business beyond what you ever thought possible - now what?
Client Communications
-- the best way to get and keep your client happy.